Partnering for a Better User Experience

DALI looks to partner with pharma companies that want to differentiate and enhance their patients’ drug administration experience. We also want to team up with manufacturers that want to equip their pharma partners with improved drug delivery solutions.

The need for a better user experience and increased compliance is especially marked now due to the growth in patient populations requiring self-injection (e.g., diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, anemia, cancer, osteoporosis, hepatitis B and C, infertility, growth hormone disorders, and others). These cases require great patient compliance for treatment to work. DALI delivers compliance through injection convenience, through devices that ensure delivery of the entire dose, and through devices that reduce pain, anxiety, and accidents.

Improved compliance is critical with the increased number of biological drugs, or biosimilars, currently in clinical trials or awaiting FDA approval. Most of these drug proteins can only be administered by injection, which increases the need for effective, intuitive injection methods that are more pleasant for patients.

The DALI Advantage

DALI’s devices don’t require the drug manufacturer to change formulations or containers. Yet, the addition of a DALI injector adds value to the medication for the patient. The injection will hurt less, it will produce less anxiety, and the patient will be more likely to comply with treatment plans.

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